Petro Shmigelskyi is with the Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine (e-mail: Farmaha is with the Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine (e-mail: Spiewak is with the Warsaw University of Technology, Poland (e-mail: Ciupinski is with the Warsaw University of Technology, Poland (e-mail: for the exact work time.

This work was supported by Department of Computer-Aided Design Systems (Lviv Polytechnic National University) and the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering (Warsaw University of Technology). When increasing the size of the input data, the contribution of constant factors and terms of lower order, which appear in the expression, is quite The exact value of the time complexity depends on determining the elementary operations (e.g., the complexity can be measured in the number of arithmetic operations, bit operations or operations of Turing machine). In most cases it is not required to find its exact value.

The function of computing time complexity in some cases can be determined accurately. Having answered the question and knowing the size of the input data, we can determine whether the task can be solved using available computer, and whether the solution will be obtained in a reasonable time. THE issue of computational complexity of FEM is especially critical for the analysis of bodies with a very heterogeneous structure, described by a huge amount of mesh nodes. Index Terms- Finite element methods, Computational complexity, Interpolation, Linear approximation.

Also illustrates the increasing of computational complexity in transition from two to three dimensional problem. It has been used to predict the approximate time in which the given tasks will be solved. Petro Shmigelskyi, Ihor Farmaga, Piotr Spiewak, Lukasz CiupinskiĪbstract- This paper describes the evaluation of computational complexity of software implementation of finite element method. Evaluation of Computational Complexity of Finite Element Analysis Using Gaussian Elimination